Creating Space…To Focus on the Breath
/Creating Space …To Focus On The Breath
Photo courtesy of Diana Simumpande on Unsplash
I almost didn’t write this post. In a time where we are all facing a worldwide pandemic, one that is (to oversimplify) attacking our respiratory systems with a vengeance, I almost didn’t write this post. Who am I to write about the importance of using our breath at a time when our hospitals are overflowing with patients fighting just to breathe? Our healthcare workers, our essential workers, medical researchers and many, many more unsung heroes are doing all they can to assist during a time where the simple act of breathing has never been more under siege. And I dare to talk about the importance of focusing on the breath. Why? Because when we are stressed, we forget to breathe, and mindful breathing is essential to wellness. And I’d venture to say that there are few times in our collective history in which we have, as a global population, been under more stress than we are now. The power of mindful breath work is more important than ever.
The Breath In Yoga
One of the most important elements of any yoga practice, is focused attention on the breath. The breath allows you to create a connection between the mind and body, to focus your attention on the present moment. In yoga, prana is life force energy, and prana rides on the breath. As you breathe deeply and mindfully you allow for this life force energy to nourish the body. There are some that believe simply tapping into and regularly practicing the breathing techniques known as Pranayama can actually extend one’s life expectancy. But even if that’s all a little deeper than you want to go into yoga philosophy today, it is hard to deny the sense of ease and relaxation that can accompany a truly present round of focused breathing .
The Breath In Life
While the simple act of breathing is an autonomic function of the body, mindful and conscious breath work is a power all its own. In fitness training, labor and delivery, and even cognitive behavioral therapy, consciously focusing the mind on the breath is essential in aiding the action. Suffice it to say that choosing to bring our awareness to our own breath can be like super charging our own powers. Last week I talked about the power of meditation, and offered some ways to get started. While I still fully believe in the power of a daily meditation practice, I think being able to call on the breath during an urgent time of need (for example during a sudden and extremely stressful event) can be even more powerful in that moment. I truly believe that our breath is a tool we all have at our disposal, but not one that we, myself included, always remember to use to our advantage.
Photo courtesy of MotokI Tonn on Unsplash
The Breath During Stressful Moments
Using the breath during times of stress is easier than it can feel in the moment. It takes practice to remember to use the breath as a tool for coping. If you can find separation between yourself and the stressful event, start there. And if it is possible, take a moment to close your eyes and inhale deeply. Feel your belly expand and fill up with the breath, and allow the breath to fill all the way to the top of your lungs. Hold the breath for a second or two, then exhale completely, emptying out fully. Continue that for at least a minute, and a few minutes longer if possible. Notice how you feel and notice if it’s a practice you can bring more consistently into your stressful days or moments.
While I truly believe we are surrounded by things to be grateful for, there is no denying that stress within and around our environment is at an all time high. I hope the few minutes you spent reading this (THANK YOU), can offer tips, insight, and inspiration for using your breath to overcome just a bit of that stress, and find a few more moments of peace and tranquility.
In peace and gratitude…