Creating Space…For Stillness
/Creating Space …For Stillness
Photo courtesy of Melissa Askew on Unsplash
When is the last time you sat still? I mean, on purpose. In this moment I’m not referring to sitting down to watch tv, or climbing into bed at the end of a long day, or even settling into a meditation. All those things have their value. Yes, even tv ;-) . But in this instance I mean literally just sitting or lying in a comfortable position and maybe just allowing your mind to wander. No cell phone, not even music, but the kind of stillness that comes with just. doing. nothing. It kind of reminds me of laying in the grass as a kid watching the clouds float by, or maybe gazing up into the stars at night. There’s no agenda, no goal, no prize for who does it best. It’s literally just a moment to pause and not be “on”. I suppose some might consider this a meditation of sorts, I’m open to that interpretation, but where I currently am in my meditation journey may be similar to many of you reading this - it still requires a good deal of effort. The sitting still that I’m expressing here is totally effortless. It’s ok to let your gaze wander, or shift positions, the goal is to have no restrictions, to do nothing.
The idea of this came to me about a month ago so I decided to try it. I set my timer for 30 minutes during my lunch break and I literally just laid in the middle of the floor. The blinds were open. I was entertained by an incredibly blue sky and fluffy white clouds. I could see the wind blowing as the vibrant green tree leaves gently swayed back and forth. I noticed the sound of the birds. And then my thoughts drifted to my childhood, to playing outside and having not a care in the world, and in that moment I was transformed. In that moment I felt totally at ease. Untethered from demands, free from deadlines. It was incredible. I felt sparks of inspiration and creativity, and when the timer was over I really felt rejuvenated. I can’t tell you when I’d last felt that way. Maybe my last trip to the beach. But here I was able to create space for that same sense of peace in just 30 minutes, right from the comfort of my own home. I’m a Cancer, the beach is my happy place - but this was such a powerful experience I highly encourage giving it a try. What do you have to lose?
May is Mental Health Awareness Month - Check out the below for more info and resources.