Creating Space…To Celebrate the Queen You Are... Still (2024 Revisit)
/Creating Space …To Celebrate the Queen You Are
Photo by Clarke Sanders on Unsplash
The Queen in me sees and honors the Queen in you.
There is something so special about women lifting other women up in celebration of love and community! I am so grateful for the MANY communities, circles, and tribes that I have the honor of pouring love into and receiving love from. In celebration of that, I want to add a few more pieces of inspiration to this previous post. Share with other incredible women in your tribe!!
Take a Moment Sis to pause and appreciate All you have done. it was not by luck, and it wasn’t a fluke!! Good job!!!
can i get an amen! you are exactly where you are meant to be. you have done enough, you have enough, you are enough!
life gets tough sometimes, we are tougher!
i mean, sometimes it just needs to be said… :)
Please take a moment to share a kind word, a hug, or a smile with the next woman you come across. You never know just what she may be going through!
Love y’all!!!
Continue below for more beautiful imagery and inspiring quotes
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Originally posted 3.6.20
Sunday is International Women’s Day, an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the achievements of women from around the world. What better day to take a moment and do some self-acknowledgement, and promote some positive self-talk as well?! Check out a few of my favorite inspirational images below, and feel free to share some of your personal favorites with our LSF community too!
And for all the incredible men who love the incredible women in their lives, please take a moment and express your appreciation and gratitude. She’s worth it. 😉
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Photo courtesy of unsplash
Photo courtesy of unsplash
Photo courtesy of unsplash
Photo courtesy of unsplash
Photo Courtesy of unsplasH
Today I celebrate you, I celebrate me, I celebrate us. Peace Queen.