Creating Space…For Your Intentions (Revisit)
/Creating Space …For Your Intentions
I had no idea how critical my 2020 intention would be, when I first set it in January.
Photo courtesy of Unsplash
When I originally wrote this post in January of 20WTF, I had no idea how critical my intention would be to protecting my mental health. My 2020 intention was focused on “protecting my peace”, and there’s nothing anyone can say to convince me that it wasn’t a MAJOR factor in making it through this past year with my sanity still in tact. I believe so deeply in setting intentions that we do it at the start of every yoga class I teach, and I’ve already determined my 2021 word - JOY. I know there can be some skepticism in getting my hopes up, but if “peace” got me through 2020, I’m placing my bets on “joy” in 2021. So take a look at this post from roughly a year ago, set your intention, and be prepared to manifest something amazing in 2021.
Originally published on, Jan 2020)
If you got a chance to read last week’s post about Reflection, then you are already 5 steps ahead on setting your intention!! It’s the perfect time to take that reflection and translate it into the deliberate manifestation of your personal desires.
So What’s An Intention Anyway?
Intentions can be like goals, but I see them as a more over-arching proclamation of the life you want to live. They are focused and deliberate, but they also provide the flexibility to evolve as life evolves. Deepak Chopra said, “intentions are the starting point of every dream—the seed of creation.”
For me, as a yoga instructor and someone who is passionate about serving others it is very important that I learn to protect my own peace so that I can show up as my best self for others. Therefore, one of my 2020 intentions is to “protect my peace through deliberate self care and mindfulness”. And when life gets hectic for me, I reground myself simply by stating my intention - “I am protecting my peace”. It becomes the beacon that guides my decisions, and helps me anchor myself to purpose.
Cool, So Why Should I Set One?
When we set an intention, it’s like we send a very clear message to the universe about what we want from life, and the direction we are moving. Setting an intention sets us up to be clear and deliberate about life, to be thoughtful about the choices that we make. We’ve all heard the saying “thoughts become things”. This is essentially the foundation of an intention. When you can state a clear intention for yourself, you start to shift your thinking. Even subtle day to day responses become anchored in more purposeful decisions. As you shift your thinking you start to plan your actions accordingly. And as those actions guide your steps you move closer toward that deliberate focus or goal that you have for life.
Love it, so now what?
Spend some time in stillness. Revisit what the overarching goals are that you have for your life, or even just this year. If you answered the five questions in last week’s post, pull those out and use that as your starting point. Your intention doesn’t have to be complicated - it should be something that authentically represents your passion, and challenges you to evolve. You may not have all the answers on how you will get there, but trust as you put that positive focus out into the universe, the universe will respond. Here are a few thought starters.
I will focus on Gratitude and operate from a place of abundance and appreciation.
I will harness my personal Power to make a difference in my own life and the life of others.
I will be a reflection of Perseverance, overcoming life’s obstacles and inspiring others to do the same.
I will anchor myself in Courage, rising above my fears in order to pursue my deepest desires.
Once you have your intention set, identify a word that helps remind you on a daily basis. Create a vision board, share your intention with others, journal about your intention, or check out the custom intention bracelets on my site as daily reminders. I am truly excited for 2020, and the power that it holds. I so deeply believe this will be a year of transformation. Not only for myself, but for anyone bold enough to press past self doubt and uncertainty. I’m excited to hear what intentions you have set for yourself. Send me a message directly, or leave a comment below. Peace and blessings, and I wish you the best on this journey.