Creating Space… To Embrace The Present: Fitness Edition
/Creating Space …
To Embrace The Present: Fitness Edition
Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash
Why the Time Is NOW - to reignite your health and wellness goals, as we all overcome the challenges of COVID-19.
First, let me preface this post by saying that I know not everyone’s circumstances are the same during this challenging time. Some still have to venture out into work environments, some are facing the reality of trying to work and keep your kids from tearing each other’s faces off. Some are facing unsettling news of increased financial strain. Everyone’s circumstances are different, but I hope there is some piece of this post that everyone can find a bit of relevance in, and modify it, to fit your own circumstances.
The corona virus has flipped life as we know it upside down. But the key words are “life as we know it”. This simply means that things are shifting, and changing in a way that was inconceivable just a few weeks ago. Even as China grappled with the aggressive and devastating reality of this quickly progressing virus, life was still relatively normal for the millions of people here in the US. But, fast forward to today, March 28, and life looks nothing like it did just 30 days ago. More than half the states in the US have been urged, and in some cases mandated to “stay at home” or “shelter in place”. Many people who were able had already started to transition to working from home, and in just a few short days businesses all around have closed their doors temporarily, as we wait out the storm that will most certainly pass. BUT In the meantime, this is the time to embrace our well-being - there is no time like the present, and here’s why...
1. Because, Life. This virus has reminded us of not only how precious, but how fragile life can be, our own vulnerability has been exposed. This is the time to make small changes that can have a big impact on your health. Where you begin is up to you, but everyone can do something to make a difference.
2. FitFam. For the folks that are now working from home, what better time to parlay some of that time that was previously dedicated to commuting to begin a home fitness routine? According to some resources, the average one way commute in many metro areas is 27 minutes, so why not allocate some of that to your fitness? One thing that some of my coworkers have done is rallied together to create daily fitness challenges. Every hour you do some fitness activity (like 50 jumping jacks, 10 pushups etc, and you modify to fit your own schedule. For example, you may double up if you miss an hour, or shift to start early, later etc. It has been a really fun (and challenging) way to get me out of my seat, and moving on a regular basis. If I thought I sat a lot before as an office worker - it’s astonishing how much more time I can get plastered to my seat when I don’t even get the opportunity to walk from one meeting room to another. You can even take this challenge up a notch by also drinking a full cup of water after each hour’s activity. Double Bonus!
3. #MealsAtHome. And while there are some very tough economic challenges for our restaurants (and other businesses) right now, the silver lining is that transitioning from restaurant life to meals at home empowers us to re-examine our meals and meal routines and make some swift changes. Sure, we still have work to do, families to tend to, and other matters to address, but when else will calendars and schedules be as open as they are right now? I’ve seen so many posts about binge worthy shows and new movies to watch at home - I’m looking forward to catching up on a few myself - but, how about using some of that newly found time to plan and prep some healthier meals?
Photo by Ella Olsson on Unsplash
4. Virtual fitness everywhere!! Don’t have your own home routine? Fitness providers all around are providing access to virtual fitness and streaming services. From Instagram live to new streaming options, there are so many ways to get up and get moving. Try a new workout, or dive deeper into an existing favorite. This week, thanks to the Peloton app, I had the pleasure of participating in not one, but two virtual workout sessions with one of my besties who lives on the other side of the country! It was so fun that we’ve decided to make it a regular thing. Sure, we could’ve done this before, but it wasn’t as top of mind as it is now. Speaking of streaming, you can currently catch me live, Thursdays 7PM eastern, live streaming Soul Flow! Our current reality brings fitness opportunities more into the forefront. Why not take advantage?
And same as in the last post. I’m praying for your health and well-being, as well as your peace of mind.